our story …

about Nyx Developers

One day in our space journey searching for new app-technologies we accidently discovered a planet miles away deep in space! “This planet is purple”, we yelled altogether .So we decided to land there for a while! During our investigation on this purple planet we found a sparkle dark material, which we called “Nyx” (from Primordial goddess of the night). “Must investigate” said our scientist. We understand that this mineral is so powerful that has strange energy and makes all kind of machines works. We thought that’s brilliant! We were so happy! Now we can make great apps for the world. We decided to stay there and work in our labs making awesome apps for the mankind. We give a name to the planet and this was NyxCore! Just kidding we just provide high quality apps and having a good time!  😛
.. But was a great story 😉